Reflections on Retirement


REFLECTIONS ON RETIREMENT: Making Aging and Retirement Planning Enjoyable. Author: David T. Hellkamp, Ph.D., Professor EMERITUS of Psychology, Xavier University. Published by Cincinnati Book Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. (2020), 133 pages.

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CONTENT OF BOOK: Basically, it includes an Introduction and is organized in Three Parts: Introduction: background of book, including a very clear guide on how to begin a simple, self-reflective, personal process for analyzing your own life journey for aging and retirement.


Part 1: (Chapter 1 and 2) walks the reader through a self-reflective life story of the author as both an example and method for identifying how success is defined meaningfully in an individual’s life. The psychological assumption is success consists of very personal meanings and passions for most individuals, “learned” in early life experiences, not something primarily defined by our external culture, unless you allow it to be.


Part 2: (Chapters 3-10) presents methods for identifying many meaningful areas of life to examine for the purpose of planning for aging and retirement. Since most retirement books focus primarily on financial planning, this book can be supplemental and integrative to other financial advising. Part two is much more comprehensive in one’s other life areas for planning.


Part 3: (Chapter 11 and 12) discusses in-depth issues about Success, Contentment, and Retirement.

Why Buy to Read this Book?

Because the book is one of the first to make your personal psychology work constructively for you. The author maintains planning for life goals, including planning for retirement, can be developed (or broadened) through self-reflection as to how success is molded for each of us through our life experiences, especially early life experiences with family and mentors. The author walks you through straightforward methods demonstrating how the reader can learn to realistically analyze their own life facts, such as from data from early memories, written materials, and recollections, for developing goals and plans. Although the process may appear initially somewhat involved and time consuming, it really is not. It is primarily done in bits and pieces over time. Such self-discovery leads to enjoyable ways for clarifying your goals in life.


Other reasons for reading the book:

    1. Because elders are continuing to make up a larger part of society
    2. Elders will live today on average 15 years following full retirement
    3. It is estimated as little as ten percent of elders have done much aging and retirement planning. Why so low? Maybe we all need to discover more inspiring, personal ways to go about planning. The goal is to stimulate you enough to desire and enjoy the planning process.